I thought about ending it there but figured I would put in a little bit more at least. Or maybe even a lot. We'll see, won't we.
It was very nice to get home on Saturday and have a couple off days with the family before everyone else got home. My parents probably would have killed me if I didn't spend those days with them before hanging out with people semi-continuously for the next 5 days.
Black Friday early morning shopping with Meher, Crystal, Chery, and Andy was some fun. Not sure how great an idea it was to stay up until 6:30 after Thanksgiving dinner and all, but it worked out. Even if we only got to watch half of Sex and the City before sleepiness pervaded.
Paulina, thankee much for your assistance Friday night. Life saver!
Crystal, it was nice driving all over the Cupertino hills with you trying to find people and chatting. I'm glad I made you ride with me.
Ryan, you are more of a man than I will ever be. No joke.
Enough with specific rememories (hate). Especially because Meher was around for every one of them. Stalker.
It was amazing to see everyone, and to see how some people have changed. I'm impressed with how much of a difference no one (sorry ChinChin) having curfews makes on the flow of the night. Or maybe just trying to pack everything into a short time. Either way, late night fun is the way to go.
I'm back in chilled DC, and happy to be here in truth, since it really does feel like home. Can you all move your asses out here. Mmkay, thanks. Before Thanksgiving I was definitely missing some people more than others (obviously) with some people falling into categories I didn't completely understand myself. I think this break helped me digest that all a bit and understand a little more.

WTF dont lie to me U STALKED ME. WHO WAS AT MY HOUSE MOST OF THE TIME!! STALKER lololol when i return on the 30th we will PARTY
too bad we never hung out hardly at all :'(
I hope you miss me because I still think we made a great two-second couple.
Lincoln reminiscing is always fun with you Kathy!
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