Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Nostalgia Study Break

Crystal wrote:
"post a memory of me as a comment for this entry.
it can be anything you want.
maybe your first, maybe your favorite.
& post this to your journal and see what people remember of you."

Do it. It will be a nice occasional distraction to read what pops up.


RJ said...

not to beat this with a bat, but:


i'd also bring up that time we were at red robin when i think it was mv sadies. its really funny looking back on it...

Paulina said...

- the time you tried to kiss me by your fence :P
- you kicking my ass at foosball and me coming back and kicking your ass
- high school musical
- mark & sue<3

Natalie said...

So many to choose from:

I remember meeting you in 7th grade and my first impression was that you were kind of a douchebag because you had really weird bleached hair.
I remember emailing back and forth with you the summer before 9th grade when you were away in Australia.
I remember your obnoxious "Perky" remarks during Mr. Kim's class freshman year.
I remember when we reconnected sophomore year over the beauty of tutorial, and the many laughs we shared.
I remember watching volleyball and making signs for Paulie together.
I remember when you fished a dead lizard out of my pool.
And I will remember the basic 6 forever <3

chery said...

probably gov and your weird spazzy arms. also, maybe those good ole days when we watched greys together! hahaha

Dhishoom said...

dude OWNING MILLER IN SEMIS. PAHAHAHAHA always have to bring that shit up.

id have to add most of this break to the memories for future list hahaha considering u were there for everything...stalker

Anonymous said...

Hi Nate,

A memory is when we were in Advanced Placement Biology with Ms. Pamela Tsai together and I thought you talked a lot. Another one is when you told me you thought my friend Oliver was gay last weekend. Haha but the real reason why I am commenting is because I have too many tabs open in Firefox and your tab was titled "Nate is Vag"


Anonymous said...

O don't worry, I'm not creeped out. I've been reading your blog for a couple weeks now. Found it through Ben's.
Memory: you making smart-ass comments in Gahagan's room and me trying not to laugh cuz I wasn't part of the conversation.

Anonymous said...

It's just me rambling.
And I love that you assume Natalie is following the conversation.

Anonymous said...

Natalie, your thoughts?

And why are you awake and holding a conversation over blog comments at 3am?

Natalie said...

It is 11:52 PM and I should be asleep. Nate is still funny, but definitely in a grown-up, college boy way.
And in my defense, Nate sent me a link and threatened to tell me even more lame jokes unless I replied.

Anonymous said...

The Clinton one is good, the others are just crass.
Second semester can't come soon enough.
In the interests of preserving what is left of Natalie's patience and sanity (not to mention my own), I am going to sleep.
It has been delightful conversing w/ you through what must be the most indirect form of communication.