Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fun Weekend.

Friday night was a fun one. Somehow three random german girls got added into our group for some of the night. Which brings up another point. Who here watches How I Met Your Mother? On a recent episode that a bunch of us here watched they did a bit talking about the 'Cheerleader Effect' where girls as a group are more attractive than any of them on their own. We all had a good laugh with this at the germans' expense.

Falling asleep for a little while on the semi-nasty lounge couch was probably not very healthy... especially when still wet from walking home in the rain. At least the room as warm and I wasn't alone in my sleepiness, haha.

Went to Georgetown and saw Quantum of Solace last night. Meh. It's a good movie and all but nowhere near as good as Casino Royale. I'd wait for DVD unless you can get in cheap.

I am making procrastination an art form, BUT get on the plane home in 6 days. Woooooot!


RJ said...

i liked quantum of solace. i like the theme song a lot and i thought they improved their visuals and screenshots and locations a lot. like all the sick hotels and that one scene with the girl covered in oil. a lot of the places had cool architecture.

also, that russian girl was really attractive in a non-slutty-typical-bond-girl kind of way. didnt like her accent though.

VaguelyCynical said...

I thought the redhead was hotter than the main girl anyway. Made me sad when she wasn't a big part of the rest of the movie.

RJ said...

nate you have no taste in women.

HAHA jk.