Having been home for Thanksgiving not too long ago at all, this break doesn't have the same hurried must-hang-out-with-everyone-a-lot feel of the previous one, which is quite nice. A lot more relaxation mixed into the often fun.
Some things haven't changed since Thanksgiving. The group of friends I spend the most time with continues to evolve, and there are nice new connections being formed within that group. Always good to find new gems in the (not so) rough. I continue to be amazed at the depth of some people and how easy it is to completely overlook entire parts of personalities until they hit you in the face. Honesty is nice too. [:
I'm happy I have been getting to cook more stuff lately. It's always fun to do when in the mood, and it's very therapeutic, especially when a good cooking partner is around to lend a hand. Plus it's a good life skill. Pros all around! Feel free to provide suggestions for me to cook next time I am around you. And be reasonably critical so it can improve. Honesty.
Christmas was good. We kept it to practical gifts within the family this year, which makes it a little boring on Christmas morning when opening up presents, but it definitely the way to go. Low key family time for a couple days is good as well. It was a very nice break to get to reunion with tut krew ® on Christmas night and have some good times. You guys are great and I'm glad we've kept in touch pretty well so far.
Unfortunately I am pretty sure someone (NATALIE!) got me sick and am not feeling amazing. I've been upping my regimen of remedies to combat it so it isn't too bad yet, but it puts a little bit of a damper on the Christmas spirit (and the amazing tastes of the season). Hopefully I don't pass it along to anyone else, that would be annoying, right?
I really need to get on a more normal sleep schedule. My sleep times have ranged within 12:30-6:30 am to 9 am-2 pm. I think it's wreaking some havoc on my body, but I don't really want to modify anything enough to fix it. At least I get to set a new earliest wake up time tomorrow morning to go shopping for my final Christmas presents all the way in Gilroy... YAY...
To-Do List:
- Make more delectable dishes
- Figure out New Years plans
- Get unsick
- Get out of the bad mood I was in all day today