I love being happily busy enough to not have the time/inclination to write much on here.
Life's been good. The college dems position I'm in now is certainly a large time commitment, but continues to be a good experience. A lot of opportunities to do cool things and meet interesting people. Yesterday evening I was part of a small group of GW students who went to go "shoot the shit" with the Congressman I interned for (although this was random). Tonight I was at an undergraduate political awards dinner hosted by Ed Henry, Luke Russert, James Kotecki, and a few lesser names. Got bored partway through that and went downstairs to an event about breast cancer with Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Senator Klobuchar, both of whom are generally pretty incredible.
For the political nerd that is me, it's a lot of fun!
Midterms went pretty well, although I haven't gotten any grades back yet, so maybe I should be quiet. Chinese still kicks my ass occasionally, but since I have decided not to take any more of it past this semester, it's not too much of a weight on my shoulders. 你姐! Should be studying for a quiz tomorrow right now, but meh.
I have figured out what classes I want to register in a couple weeks and am starting to look for an internship. All of this is exciting too! My Excel document for choosing classes was much simpler this semester, unlike the triple-color coded beauty of last time.
The new roommates continue to have their quirks, but so much better than living alone in the hellhole that was the previous dorm. I'd rather listen to bible study occasionally than hear nothing but my own thoughts. My roommate (not the other 2 suitemates) seems to pretty much never go to class and sleeps the weirdest hours ever. Glad I have had you all to condition me about what to expect from Azns.
Speaking of Asians... well this can wait until later when I can speak firmly about it. Stay tuned!