This weekend was kind of terrible and kind of great. Yeah, one of those.
Friday was my class registration day for next Fall, which meant I had to get up and get on the computer at 7 am sharp to get classes I wanted. Spent a
typically long time figuring out what to take and when, especially once upperclassmen filled up some of the cooler classes I was pondering. Well, anyway, I got up on time and got all the classes I planned to. Listed below!
- Beginning Chinese - Decided to take the plunge and try learning a language that will actually be useful. The 4 days a week of classes is a little gross, but hopefully it goes okay. At least I know plenty of people who can give me tips? Might regret this a lot...
- Intro to News Writing and Reporting - Excited for this. It's my first non-super-intro class in my planned minor, Journalism and Mass Communication. Going to be plenty of writing, but I think it will still be a pretty good class. This prof is supposed to be great but a hard grader, so we'll see how much I regret this choice later.
- 20th Century Political Thought - Should be an interesting class at least. I'm such a political science nerd that I'm not too worried about it being too boring. Might end up being terrible if the prof is too existential about the whole thing, but I'll survive.
- International Political Economy - Fulfilling the end of my international politics requirement and planning to never take anymore... I just don't give a shit. Combines that with econ which just makes it worse. Oh well. Professor supposedly makes it interesting and induces vibrant discussion, but I'm having trouble imagining that happening.
- Introduction to Sampling - The most politically relevant stats class I could find. I'm enjoying my intro stats course well enough, so I'm hoping this continues that trend. Plus some good stuff for me to know for my planned career. Nice how that works out. Prof reviews are terrible but are mostly from intro courses and center on his thick accent, which doesn't generally bother me too much.
- Squash! - Never played. Not sure I've ever actually seen a court in real life. I wanted to do something and this is what was the coolest sounding available thing in a workable timeslot. A couple hours a week learning to play and having fun sounds pretty good.
Should be an interesting semester with more writing than I'll probably want to do. With Chinese four times a week and everything else I wanted to do I don't think I'll be able to have an internship stuffed into the schedule too. Maybe a campus part time job with random ass hours or something. Which brings me to another point...
My internship is still going pretty well. Due to other interns quitting early, I now work alone every day I'm there, which is a little annoying, but also kind of nice in a weird way. The small difference in the amount getting done without them is kind of pathetic in terms of how little they actually got done. I also don't understand what I did first semester. I'm working 3 days a week and still have time to get all my school work done and go to all my classes and such. I'm doing a tad more work on the weekends this semester, but not much. What the hell did I do during what must have been hours each day of completely free time?
I gave my first Capitol tour on Friday as well. Due to the influx of tourists (damn them always) for the National Cherry Blossom Festival and generally good weather, the official tour guides are all booked and I have to pick up the slack for our constituents. Did the training a week ago, which was very good, since my very first group had a wheelchair involved, meaning all the mobility-impaired access routes we learned for hours a week ago really came in handy. Only got lost looking for a wheelchair ramp once! Of course, I did that right as I ran into a friend from school who was randomly there, which was a little embarrassing. Oh well.
You all know how I love random facts. Now I am required to know a bunch of them about the Capitol building. Fun.
Friday night I went to see
I Love You, Man with some friends. It was okay. I laughed quite a bit during it, but by the end (especially the final scene) I was very ready to be done with it. Looking back I don't think I can remember a single joke from during it. Wonder if I would have laughed if other people around me weren't. That's okay though, 'cuz the social dynamics of the evening provided me with plenty of mental laughter.
Saturday and today can pretty much be summed up in one word: research. Checked out 13 books from the library, most of them having been written in the 60s. Always a joy. Plenty of time spent on EBSCO and JSTOR too. Might be headed to the Library of Congress tomorrow after work to go through their microfilm of local papers in Georgia during the 60s.
Got to chill with a semi-new friend last night after my brain officially turned off. I really like enjoying new people. It's such a nice little surprise. Plus it's fresh and I can recycle all my good stories again. Will be harder next year as I got assigned to the shitty dorm building full of anti-social singles across campus from everyone else. Great.
I'm noticing more and more that I crave a social atmosphere. I used to think of myself as relatively introverted, but I'm seeing that that isn't really very true. Whether it's in a group or one-on-one I am just happier to be around people in general. At least I am conscious of it now, since then I can act to make it happen.
On the horizon for this week is 25 pages of writing spread across two papers. The first (which I have been doing all the research for) covers the effects of apportionment changes in Georgia in the 1960s. The second is some theoretical international politics thing about solving global warming. I should combine them into a theory about black power overcoming carbon dioxide through balanced representation. Right.
So, so crazy that 5 weeks from now I will be done with freshman year and back chilling at home. Ridiculous. Really need to figure out where to store/ship all my crap and what to do over the summer.